
As we proceed to Kinder from Pre-K, things start to change little bit. Even though It’s still more like carried forward from what we did in Pre-k, there are new subjects that’s been introduced.

The things that start to see some change and additions are, more focus is given to make the basic concept and terms strong. New subjects are introduced like little bit of history, geography and economics.

Basic Concepts include are,

  • Same and Different.
  • Tall and Short.
  • Full and Empty.
  • Above, Below, Top, Bottom, Between.
  • Before, after, next, first, last, yesterday, today, tomorrow.

Reading readiness is given importance with focus mainly on;

  • Letter sounds.
  • Identifying and producing Rhyming words.
  • Identifying same initial sound words.
  • Identifying syllables and Blending syllables, in spoken language.
  • Recognizing same letters make different words.
  • Handling a book- recognizing front page and back page.
  • Recognizing different aspects of a book- Title, Author, story line, ending. Holding the book correct way.
  • Recognizing words with short vowels.

Writing readiness;

  • Upper- and lower-case letters.
  • Learning to write name.
  • Writing words with the help of letter sound.


To become fluent in math it is necessary to have robust sense of numbers. Primary focal area is;

  • Numbers and number names.
  • Counting sequence.
  • Connection between number and quantities.
  • Counting forward and backward up to 20.
  • Read and write with or without object from 0 to 20.
  • Understanding sign and concept – more than, less than, equal to, up to 20.
  • Concept one more and one less.
  • Simple addition and subtraction up to 10.
  • Recognizing small or big group of objects without actually counting.

The additional subjects that gets introduced is little bit of history like,

Basic information of patriotic days,

  • Presidents Day.
  • Veterans Day.
  • Independence Day.

Introduction to some of the historical figures like,

  • George Washington
  • Christopher Columbus.


  • Focus on concepts, need against want.
  • Introduction to currency.


  • Parts of plants and animals.
  • Patterns in nature.
  • Force motion and energy.
  • Life cycle of plants.
  • Weather.
  • Focus on, Human needs can be met through self-producing, purchasing and trading.

This is general outline of what’s covered in Kinder curriculum. Few thing might change as per your district or country. I am trying to cover those areas which are more common everywhere. Intend to post this is to give idea what’s covered or expected to get covered in Kindergarten year. I hope you find this useful.

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